Tracking packages that are being sent internally within a company is an important task that helps ensure the timely and efficient delivery of goods and materials. Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, having a reliable system in place to track packages can help improve efficiency and reduce the risk of lost or misplaced items.

Setting Up Internal Package Tracking Systems

When it comes to setting up an internal package tracking system for your company, there are a few key things to consider. First and foremost, you’ll need to choose a system that meets the needs of your company. This might involve selecting a system that is easy to use, has robust tracking capabilities, and integrates well with other company systems.

Some popular options include using a dedicated package tracking software, integrating package tracking into your existing project management or inventory management system, or even using a simple spreadsheet to track packages manually. Each of these options are covered below.

  • Dedicated Package Tracking Software: Dedicated package tracking software is a stand-alone program specifically designed for tracking packages within a company. These systems often have a range of features and capabilities, including the ability to assign tracking numbers, record package information, update package status and location, and generate reports. Some systems may also offer integrations with other company systems, such as HR or inventory management, to provide a more comprehensive view of package tracking. The main advantage of dedicated package tracking software is that it is tailored specifically for this purpose, which can make it easier to use and more efficient compared to other options. However, it may also require a separate budget and may not be as customizable as other options.
  • Integrate Into Existing System: Integrating package tracking into your existing project management or inventory management system is another option. If your company already uses a software system for these purposes, it may be possible to add package tracking functionality to that system. This can be a good choice if you are looking to streamline your tracking process and avoid the need to use multiple systems. However, it may require additional setup and customization to get the package tracking functionality working smoothly within your existing system.
  • Track Manually With a Spreadsheet: Using a simple spreadsheet to track packages manually is a more low-tech option that may be suitable for smaller companies with limited package volume. A spreadsheet can be set up to record basic information about each package, such as tracking number, sender and recipient, and package status. While this option may be less feature-rich than dedicated tracking software or integrated systems, it can be a quick and easy solution that requires minimal setup. However, it may not scale well as your company grows or if you need more advanced tracking capabilities.

No matter which option you choose, it’s important to establish clear protocols and procedures for using the tracking system. This might involve assigning unique tracking numbers to each package, creating labels or tags to identify packages, and setting up alerts or notifications for package arrivals and deliveries.

Overall, setting up an internal package tracking system can help your company stay organized, streamline package handling, and improve efficiency. With a little bit of research and planning, you can find the right system for your company’s needs and get your package tracking up and running smoothly.

Using Dedicated Tracking Software

Using dedicated package tracking software is a convenient and effective way to manage and track packages internally within a company. With a dedicated package tracking system, you can easily access and update package information as needed, and ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

To use dedicated package tracking software, you’ll need to choose a system that meets your needs and budget. There are many different package tracking systems available, with a range of features and price points. Some systems are designed specifically for tracking packages internally within a company, while others are more general-purpose and can be used to track packages of all types.

Once you’ve chosen a package tracking system, you’ll need to set it up and configure it to meet your needs. This might involve customizing the system to track the specific types of information you need, such as package tracking numbers, sender and recipient information, and current status and location.

To track your packages, you’ll need to enter information about each package as it is shipped. You can do this manually, by entering the information into the system, or you can use a system for automatically importing the information from your package tracking system or other source.

To track the progress of your packages, you’ll need to regularly update the system with the current status and location of each package. Many package tracking systems offer real-time tracking and automatic updates, so you can easily see where your packages are and when they are likely to be delivered.

Below are a few examples of dedicated package tracking software that you might consider using to track packages internally within a company. You’ll want to choose a system that meets your specific needs and budget, and that is easy to use and integrate with your existing systems and processes.

  1. Shipstation: Shipstation is a cloud-based shipping solution that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, automatic updates, and integration with a wide range of carriers and e-commerce platforms.
  2. Shipworks: Shipworks is a shipping and order management software that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, integration with a wide range of carriers, and the ability to print labels and packing slips.
  3. ShipBob: ShipBob is a fulfillment and logistics platform that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, integration with a wide range of carriers, and the ability to print labels and packing slips.
  4. ShipHawk: ShipHawk is a shipping and logistics platform that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, integration with a wide range of carriers, and the ability to print labels and packing slips.
  5. ShipMonk: ShipMonk is a fulfillment and logistics platform that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, integration with a wide range of carriers, and the ability to print labels and packing slips.
  6. ShipHero: ShipHero is a cloud-based order and inventory management platform that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, integration with a wide range of carriers, and the ability to print labels and packing slips.
  7. Ordoro: Ordoro is a shipping and order management software that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, integration with a wide range of carriers, and the ability to print labels and packing slips.
  8. Deliverr: Deliverr is a fulfillment and logistics platform that offers a range of tools for tracking and managing packages, including real-time tracking, integration with a wide range of carriers, and the ability to print labels and packing slips.

Integrate Into Existing System

Integrating package tracking into your existing project management or inventory management system is an efficient and effective way to manage and track packages internally within a company. By using your existing system to track packages, you can easily access and update package information as needed, and ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

To integrate package tracking into your existing system, you’ll need to set up a system for recording and managing package information. This might involve creating a new module or database within your existing system, or integrating your package tracking data with an existing module or database.

Once you’ve set up your system for tracking packages, you’ll need to enter information about each package as it is shipped. You can do this manually, by entering the information into the system, or you can use a system for automatically importing the information from your package tracking system or other source.

To track the progress of your packages, you’ll need to regularly update the system with the current status and location of each package. This might involve manually updating the information, or using an automatic system for tracking and updating the information.

By integrating package tracking into your existing system, you can easily manage and track your packages internally, and ensure that they are delivered in a timely and efficient manner. This approach can be particularly useful for organizations that already have an established system in place for managing projects or inventory, and want to streamline their package tracking process by using a single system. By keeping accurate and up-to-date records of your packages, you can help ensure that your internal package tracking process is efficient and effective.

Using a Simple Spreadsheet

Tracking packages manually with a spreadsheet is a simple and effective way to manage and track packages internally within a company. By creating a spreadsheet to record and manage package information, you can easily access and update this information as needed, and ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

To track packages manually with a spreadsheet, you’ll need to set up a spreadsheet with columns for different pieces of information about each package. This might include the package tracking number, sender and recipient information, contents of the package, and current status and location. You’ll also want to include any other relevant information, such as delivery instructions or special handling requirements.

Once you’ve set up your spreadsheet, you’ll need to enter information about each package as it is shipped. You can do this manually, by entering the information into the spreadsheet, or you can use a system for automatically importing the information from your package tracking system or other source.

To track the progress of your packages, you’ll need to regularly update the spreadsheet with the current status and location of each package. This might involve manually updating the information, or using an automatic system for tracking and updating the information.

By tracking packages manually with a spreadsheet, you can easily manage and track your packages internally, and ensure that they are delivered in a timely and efficient manner. This approach can be particularly useful for small businesses or organizations that don’t need the advanced features of a dedicated package tracking system, or for tracking a small number of packages. By keeping accurate and up-to-date records of your packages, you can help ensure that your internal package tracking process is efficient and effective.

Assigning Package Tracking Numbers and Labels

Assigning package tracking numbers and labels is an important step in the process of tracking packages internally within a company. These identifiers allow you to easily identify and locate packages as they move through your internal shipping system. There are a few different approaches you can take when assigning tracking numbers and labels to your packages.

One option is to use a simple numbering system, where each package is assigned a unique number that is recorded in your tracking system. This can be done manually or automatically, depending on the system you are using. For example, you might assign sequential numbers to each package, or use a combination of letters and numbers to create a unique identifier.

Another option is to use barcode labels on your packages. These labels can be scanned at various points in the shipping process, allowing you to easily update the status and location of the package in your tracking system. Some package tracking systems even allow you to generate and print barcode labels directly from the system, making it easy to apply labels to your packages.

No matter which approach you take, it’s important to establish clear procedures for assigning and using tracking numbers and labels. This might include assigning tracking numbers in a specific format, training employees on how to use the labels, and setting up systems for tracking and replacing lost or damaged labels. By putting these systems in place, you can help ensure that your packages are properly identified and tracked throughout the shipping process.

Updating Package Status and Location During Transit

Tracking the status and location of packages as they move through your internal shipping system is a crucial part of the package tracking process. This might involve updating the status of a package as it is prepared for shipping, picked up, delivered, or returned. It might also involve recording the location of a package at various points in the shipping process, such as when it is in transit or stored in a warehouse.

There are several ways you can track and update the status and location of packages during transit. One option is to use a dedicated package tracking system, which may allow you to update this information automatically as the package moves through the system. Alternatively, you might use a manual process, such as updating a spreadsheet or database with this information. It’s important to establish clear protocols for tracking and updating this information to ensure that it is accurate and up to date. This might include setting up alerts or notifications for key status updates, or training employees on how to update the information as needed.

Notifying Employees of Package Arrivals and Deliveries

Effective communication is an important part of tracking packages internally within a company. This includes notifying employees of package arrivals and deliveries in a timely and efficient manner. By keeping employees informed about the status of packages, you can help ensure that packages are delivered to the correct recipients and that any issues or delays are promptly addressed.

There are several ways you can notify employees of package arrivals and deliveries. One option is to use a dedicated package tracking system that includes notification functionality. For example, the system might send an email or text message to the recipient when a package is delivered. Alternatively, you might use a manual process, such as sending an email or posting a notice in a central location.

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important to establish clear protocols for notification. This might include setting up alerts or notifications for key events, such as package delivery or the need for follow-up action. It might also involve training employees on how to access and use the notification system. By setting up a system for notification, you can help ensure that employees are informed and that packages are delivered efficiently and accurately.

Implementing a System for Recording and Managing Package Pickup and Drop-off Locations

Implementing a system for recording and managing package pickup and drop-off locations is an important aspect of tracking packages internally within a company. This involves establishing designated locations where packages can be picked up or dropped off, as well as recording and managing this information in your package tracking system.

Having designated pickup and drop-off locations can help streamline the shipping process and improve efficiency. It can also help reduce the risk of packages being misplaced or delivered to the wrong location. To implement this system, you might consider setting up a network of pickup and drop-off locations throughout your company, or establishing a central location where all packages are processed.

To manage this information, you might use a dedicated package tracking system or a separate database or spreadsheet. It’s important to establish clear protocols for recording and updating pickup and drop-off information, and to train employees on how to use the system. By setting up a system for managing pickup and drop-off locations, you can help ensure that packages are delivered to the correct recipients and that any issues or delays are promptly addressed.

Establishing Protocols for Handling Undeliverable or Lost Packages

Establishing protocols for handling undeliverable or lost packages is an important aspect of tracking packages internally within a company. This involves setting up systems and procedures for addressing packages that cannot be delivered or are lost during the shipping process.

Having clear protocols in place for handling undeliverable or lost packages can help ensure that these issues are promptly addressed and resolved. It can also help reduce the risk of packages being misplaced or delayed, and improve the overall efficiency of your package tracking process. To establish these protocols, you might consider setting up alerts or notifications for undeliverable or lost packages, training employees on how to handle these issues, and establishing procedures for follow-up action.

Setting Up Alerts and Notifications for Package Status Updates

Setting up alerts and notifications for package deliveries and status updates is a useful way to keep track of your packages and stay informed about their status. There are a few different ways you can set up alerts and notifications for your packages.

One option is to use a dedicated package tracking system that includes notification functionality. Many systems offer the ability to set up alerts for specific events, such as when a package is delivered or when it reaches a certain location. You might also be able to set up notifications for other events, such as when a package is returned or is undeliverable.

Another option is to use a separate notification system, such as email or text message alerts. This can be a good choice if you don’t have a dedicated package tracking system, or if you want to set up more customized alerts.

Implementing Security Measures for Sensitive or Valuable Packages

Implementing security measures for sensitive or valuable packages is an important aspect of tracking packages internally within a company. This might involve taking extra precautions to protect the contents of the package, such as using tamper-evident packaging or securing the package with a lock or seal. It might also involve implementing measures to protect the package from external threats, such as theft or damage.

There are a few different ways you can implement security measures for your packages. One option is to use specialized packaging materials or techniques, such as tamper-evident seals or padded envelopes. Another option is to use tracking technologies, such as GPS tracking or RFID tags, to monitor the location and status of your packages.

In addition to these measures, it’s important to establish clear protocols for handling and transporting sensitive or valuable packages. This might involve training employees on how to handle these packages, setting up secure storage and transportation systems, and implementing security measures to protect against theft or damage. By implementing these measures, you can help ensure that your sensitive or valuable packages are protected and arrive at their destination safely and securely.

Integrating Package Tracking With Other Company Systems (e.g. Inventory Management, HR)

Generating reports on package volume and delivery performance is a useful way to track the effectiveness of your internal package tracking process. These reports can provide valuable insights into trends and patterns in your shipping operations, such as the volume of packages being shipped, the speed of delivery, and the overall performance of your package tracking system.

There are a few different ways you can generate reports on package volume and delivery performance. One option is to use a dedicated package tracking system that includes reporting functionality. Many systems offer the ability to generate a range of reports, including summary reports, trend reports, and custom reports.

Alternatively, you might use a manual process to generate reports on package volume and delivery performance. This might involve creating custom reports using a spreadsheet or database program, or using tools like business intelligence software to analyze and visualize your shipping data.

Generating Reports on Package Volume and Delivery Performance

Using visual tracking tools, like real-time maps or dashboards, to track the movement of your packages can add an extra layer of visibility and convenience to your internal package tracking process. These tools can provide real-time updates on the location and status of your packages, making it easy to stay up-to-date on the progress of your shipments.

There are a few different ways you can use visual tracking tools to track your packages. One option is to use a dedicated package tracking system that includes real-time maps or dashboards. Many systems offer the ability to track packages in real-time, using GPS or other tracking technologies to provide updates on the location and status of your packages.

Alternatively, you might use a separate tracking tool, such as a real-time map or dashboard, to track your packages. This might involve integrating your package tracking data with a separate mapping or dashboard tool, or using a standalone tracking app or website.

Establish Rules and Guidelines for Package Handling, Storage, and Transportation

Establishing procedures for handling and processing returns and exchanges is an important aspect of tracking packages internally within a company. This involves setting up systems and procedures for handling packages that are being returned or exchanged, as well as recording and managing this information in your package tracking system.

Having clear procedures in place for handling returns and exchanges can help streamline the process and improve efficiency. It can also help reduce the risk of packages being misplaced or delivered to the wrong location, and improve the overall customer experience. To establish these procedures, you might consider setting up a process for recording and tracking returned or exchanged packages, as well as establishing protocols for follow-up action.

Implementing a System for Tracking and Managing Package Returns and Exchanges Within the Company

Sometimes, things go wrong. Packages get lost, deliveries are delayed, or there are mix-ups with addresses. It’s important to have a system in place for handling these types of issues when they arise.

One option is to use a dedicated package tracking system that includes tools for addressing issues and resolving problems. Many systems offer the ability to track and resolve issues, such as lost or undeliverable packages, delays, or incorrect addresses.

Alternatively, you might use a manual process to handle issues as they arise. This might involve setting up a system for recording and tracking issues, as well as establishing protocols for follow-up action.

Minimize Costs When Shipping Internally

When you’re shipping packages internally within a company, you’ll want to consider the cost of shipping and how you can minimize these costs. There are a few different strategies you can use to reduce your shipping costs, including:

  • Negotiating discounts with carriers: Many carriers offer discounts for higher volume shippers, so if you ship a lot of packages, you may be able to negotiate a better rate.
  • Optimizing your shipping routes: By analyzing your shipping data and identifying patterns and trends, you may be able to streamline your routes and reduce the distance your packages need to travel.
  • Consolidating shipments: If you have multiple packages going to the same location, consider consolidating them into a single shipment to save on shipping costs.
  • Using cost-effective shipping options: Consider using less expensive shipping options, such as ground shipping or standard mail, when possible.

By implementing these strategies, you can help reduce your shipping costs and improve the efficiency of your internal package tracking process.

Training Employees on How to Use the Internal Package Tracking System

Training employees on how to track and manage packages internally within a company is an important aspect of maintaining an efficient and effective package tracking process. This involves providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to track and manage packages effectively, as well as establishing protocols for ongoing training and development.

To train employees on this process, you might consider a few different approaches:

  • Onboarding: During onboarding, new employees can be trained on the basics of package tracking, including how to use the tracking system, how to record and update package information, and how to handle common issues that may arise.
  • Ongoing training: As employees become more familiar with the package tracking process, you might consider providing ongoing training and development opportunities to help them stay up-to-date on new technologies, processes, and best practices.
  • Training resources: You might also consider providing employees with access to training resources, such as online tutorials, webinars, or training manuals, to help them learn more about package tracking and develop their skills in this area.
  • Employee engagement: Encouraging employee engagement and participation in training programs to ensure that they are effective and beneficial.

By providing employees with the training they need to track and manage packages effectively, you can help ensure that your internal package tracking process is efficient and effective.